Midtown Manhattan

BW and FAV in Time Square along with thousand more NYNYCIPTimesSquare1 NYNYCIPTimesSquare4 Undergroun live music
Around Bryant Park NYNYCIPRadioCityMusicHall A flurry before Romeo & Juliet NYNYCIPRichardRogersTheater
Richard Rogers Theater Auctioning away Orlando Bloom's shirts Eugene O'Neil Theater Lincoln Center where we saw Rigoletto
Lincoln Center interior The Dakota Building NYNYCDakotaEntrance A sad place for Rock 'n Roll
Our pedicab driver, he took us around Central Park, an easy way to do the park Ready for our tour View of Central Park and 59th St. area NYNYCCentralParkSkyline1
Bethesday Fountain Bethesda Arcade Minton Tiles NYNYCBWFAVCentralPark
The Lake NYNYCentralParkLakeBW NYNYCFAVCentralPark Bow Bridge
Central Park Lake and the San Remo Apartments NYNYCSFAVStraberryFields NYNYCStrawberryFields The person who decorated John Lennon's memorial, he did it every day with different motifs, had passed away a couple of days earlier
St. Patrick's Cathedral NYNYCStPatrcikCathedral1 NYNYCStPatrcikCathedral2 NYNYCFAVW50thSt
The Rockefeller Center NYNYCRockefellerCenter2 The view from the Top of the Rock NYNYCTopoftheRockViewFAV
NYNYCTopoftheRockView2 St. Patrick's seems so small NYNYCTopoftheRockView7 View towards lower Manhattan
The view towards Central Park